We gather on Sundays at 10 am. Our eclectic blend of music ranges from jazz to classical to Spirituals to traditional hymns to bluegrass and beyond. Dress comfortably. Bring anybody you’d like. And, above all things, be yourself! All are welcome, and All Means All.
We have bike racks at the front of the church for anyone who lives nearby. Parking is available in our parking lot accessible from Minnehaha Ave, Englewood Ave or Simpson St. You can enter through the front doors on Englewood Ave, or through the back doors off the alley on the south side of the building.
There is an elevator by the south doors of the building. An alleyway allows those with limited mobility to be dropped off right at these doors. The Sanctuary is fully accessible, and accessible restrooms are available. The chancel area is not accessible, but all congregational worship activities take place in the accessible area of the Sanctuary.
Assistive Listening Devices are available during worship.
The worship bulletin is available as you enter the sanctuary, and includes helpful information as well as this Sunday's order of service, scripture, prayers, and musical selections. Worship bulletins are also available online here. Greeters are at the front doors and Commons doors to welcome you, give you a worship bulletin, and offer the opportunity to make a name tag. (Don't worry, you don't have to.)
Music is a beautiful and powerful means of expression. We regularly use music and other art forms to open ourselves to God, just as the Psalms do: we praise, we ask for what we need, we confess, we complain, we lament. We give thanks to God as we express our vulnerability and our longings.
Every week we hear, learn and tell the story of God & God’s people. We read from the Bible and share from our lives.
Communion is a sacrament practiced on the first Sunday of each month and other occasions. Everyone present will be invited to the table. While no one is required to receive communion, all are welcome. When receiving communion, a server will offer bread, saying, “The Body of Christ” as you break off a piece of bread. Then, a server will offer the cup, saying, “The Cup of Blessing” as you dip the bread into the cup and eat it. We offer gluten-free bread & cup options at all communion stations. We serve by intinction, or dipping the bread into the cup. We always serve non-alcoholic grape juice at communion.
We pray in many ways at Hamline Church: through song, silence and spoken words. Each week we take time to pray for our community and our world.
If you would like to participate in financial giving, an offering takes place each Sunday. You may put your offering in the plates as passed, or in the offering boxes near the entrances. On Communion Sundays, you may bring your offering forward to be placed in the plates near the side aisles.
At the conclusion of our gathering, we both receive a spoken benediction and listen to a final musical benediction. “Benediction” is Latin and means “good word.” It is a final blessing over our community as we head into our week.
Whether you're watching online or joining us in person, we'd like to get to know you better! Fill out a connection card online here.
We have childcare and spiritual formation available for children on Sunday mornings, learn more here.
After worship, please join us downstairs in the Community Room for coffee and refreshments. The treats are often homemade by members of our hospitality teams.