Hamline Church

Speaking Like Light: A Night of Spiritual Poetry featuring the Sufi Greats

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Poetry is one of the most powerful tools we have for articulating the joys, mysteries, difficulties, and meaning of spirituality and the inner life. Join us at 7pm on Thursday, March 8 in the sanctuary for our annual candlelit reading of contemplative poems from around the world. This year's event will feature the great Sufi poets, including […]

Start-up Gathering of 2018 Hamline Dinner Group

Looking for people who’d like to share a meal among friends once a month for 8 months of the year.  Interested? A “Soup Supper” featuring two kinds of hearty soup will be hosted on March 10 by Kevin and Kathy Schill at 2577 County Road H, New Brighton.  Hamline Dinner Group gathers for in-home dinners […]

Women’s Luncheon

The Hamline Church Women/United Methodist Women gather for lunch at Pippins, near Snelling and County Road C2. We’ll have a brief business meeting. Questions? Call Jane McClure at 651-646-3473 or email hamlinewomen@gmail.com.

Thirsty Scholars Social Club

The March gathering of the Thirsty Scholar Social Club will take place at Dual Citizen Brewing located at 725 Raymond Ave, St Paul, MN 55114.  Food available from the Naughty Greek just around the corner.  Note they have non-alcoholic beverages as well. Thirsty Scholars Social Club is a multi-generational, gender inclusive group, gathering on the […]

Men’s Breakfast

Men's breakfast group meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 8 am at Perkins in Roseville. Start your day with a hot breakfast and good fellowship. All men are welcome.

Bread Baking Basics Class

New to bread baking or want to brush up on skills? Retired pastor and bread baker, Bryce Johnson, will lead a small group through the basics of mixing, forming, and baking bread at home. This will be a hands-on class and each participant will bring fresh, brick-oven bread home. Register to Mark Ireland: mrichardireland@gmail.com The […]

Hamline Church Music and Arts Series: Walk Together Children

The Minnesota Boychoir will present ‘Sent Forth’ - sacred and secular classics, including works by Minnesota Composers Timothy Takach, Jake Runestad and Todd Price.  The Minnesota Boychoir, now in its 56th season, is the oldest continually operating boys choir in the Twin Cities.  The Boychoir has traveled to five continents, with recent tours including performances […]

Palm & Passion Sunday Worship

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

The triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the trial of Jesus in one, vibrant service. Gather outside the sanctuary to process in with palms.

Maundy Thursday

A potluck meal and intergenerational worship remembering the last supper and institution of Communion, then walk with Jesus to crucifixion and death through the service of Tenebrae. Maundy Thursday at Hamline Church is an intentionally intergenerational service. Begin with a potluck meal and worship remembering the last supper and institution of Communion. Gather around the table […]

Easter Sunday Worship

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Easter Celebration & Easter Egg Hunt

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Join us on the lawn for refreshments, and Hot Crossed Buns from our wood-fired community bread oven, and an Easter egg hunt for the kids!

Book Group Gathering

Book Group starts this April 8th and continues on April 15th in the Green Room. Chaplain Nancy is leading a 2-part Adult Ed gathering on Sundays after worship, using Dr. Harris’ book, Ecowomanism: African American Women and Earth-Honoring Faiths (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2017). Copies are available in the church office. Come even if you haven’t read the […]

Praying for Peace

Hamline University, Gathering Place, Sorin Hall

Professor Kim McKeage and Chaplain Nancy Victorin-Vangerud invite you to join A Pause for Peace at Hamline University each Wednesday throughout the semester from 4:30-5:15 pm. Attendees reflect on the challenges and hopes for peace in our world through a collection of diverse peace prayers honoring 13 spiritual traditions. Using Twyman’s Praying Peace cards, participants […]

20/30s year olds Meet Up

Hamline Church folk in their 20s and 30s are invited to fellowship over a meal at 7pm on Thursday, April 5 at a member’s home. Contact Heather for more information and location: hgrantham@hamlinechurch.org.

Mission Trip Info Meeting

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

We are happy to have our summer Youth Mission Trip scheduled to the south side of Chicago, July 29 to August 3 – and we will have an initial, brief meeting to answer questions after church on April 8 in the Youth Room. We will be staying at a UMC church in the South Side […]

Worship Series Brainstorm Party

The worship staff have a fun new process for cultivating creative ideas for worship. As such, there will be a creative brainstorm session at 7:30pm on Thursday, April 12 for an upcoming worship series in June. The session is open to anyone. Pastor Mariah will introduce the overarching concept for the series, and we’ll brainstorm […]

Youth Group Gathering

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Sunday, April 15 after worship All youth, grades 6-12, are invited to prepare the Sprout Garden for planting! As you may know, Hamline Sprout Garden helps to feed many seniors in our community. This is an integral ministry to Hamline Church - and last year the youth did such an excellent job preparing the soil […]

Book Group Gathering

Chaplain Nancy is leading a 2-part Adult Ed gathering on Sundays after worship in the Green Room, using Dr. Harris’ book, Ecowomanism: African American Women and Earth-Honoring Faiths (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2017). Copies are available in the church office. Come even if you haven’t read the book!

New Member Inquiry Class

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Are you interested in becoming a member of Hamline Church? Following worship, Pastor Mariah and Heather will lead a new member inquiry class to go over what membership entails and other information about the United Methodist Church. The class will be held in the Parlor, downstairs, opposite of the Community Room. Refreshments will be provided. […]

Thirsty Scholars Social Club

12welve Eyes Brewing 141 E. 4th St., Suite LL2, St Paul, MN, United States

  The April gathering of the Thirsty Scholar Social Club will take place at 12welve Eyes Brewing, located at 141 E. 4th St., Suite LL2, Saint Paul, MN, in the historic Pioneer Endicott building.  Solos Pizza food truck will be on site. Note they have non-alcoholic beverages as well. Thirsty Scholars Social Club is a […]