Hamline Church

Hamline Church Spring Marketplace

Hosted by Hamline Church Women/UMW, the Hamline Church Spring Marketplace is a fundraiser for mission giving and the causes we support. Vendor forms are available at hamlinewomen@gmail.com or by calling Jane McClure at 651-646-3473. Or pick up information about donating to Grandma’s Attic, the book sale or craft supply sale on the women’s bulletin board […]

B-Sides Arts Song Collective Presents: Double Kreißed

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Join Chancel Choir Bass section leader Justin Spenner, Mario Perez, Tenor, and Jessica Schroeder, Piano for the inaugural concert of B-Sides Art Song Collective. This program will dive into the under-performed Liederkreis Op. 24, Duets Op. 43, and the well-loved Liederkreis Op. 39 by Robert Schumann. Come experience what this new organization has to offer, […]

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s breakfast group meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 8am at Perkins in Roseville.  Start your day with a hot breakfast and good fellowship. All men are welcome.

Hamline Midway Elders Community Dinner

Dinner featuring a presentation by neighborhood resident and science teacher Peter Hoh on “LEGO Tinkering.” Tinkering is a playful approach to problem-solving. Check out flywheels, gearboxes, and other simple mechanisms made of LEGO Technic parts. Reservations are strongly suggested. We request free-will donations ($10 adults and $5 seniors & children) along with donations for a food […]

Hamline University Mahle Lecture Events

Chaplain Nancy Victorin-Vangerud invites you to share in the educational events of the annual Mahle Lecture in Progressive Christian Thought. This year, ecowomanist theologian Dr. Melanie L. Harris from Texas Christian University will give her free keynote lecture Friday evening, 7:30pm in the Anderson Center, 112, entitled “Hearing Earth in Our Time: Ecowomanism, African American Women, and […]

Ecowomanism and Social Justice

Interactive workshop for religious leaders—laity and clergy—who seek to embody earth-honoring faith in their diverse communities.  RSVP to Rev. Nancy Victorin-Vangerud, nvictorinvangerud01@hamline.edu or 651-523-2750.

Historical Trauma: The Hurt That Never Leaves Us

Slavery- Trail of Tears-Jim Crow-Indian Boarding Schools-Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment- Internment Camps Many groups across our country and living in our neighborhoods are affected by historical trauma. The impact of these violent and systemic occurrences is even more tragic in that they were government sanctioned.  The remnants span generations – and is still felt by the […]

April Gathering of 2018 Hamline Dinner Group

Looking for people –couples or singles—who’d like to share a meal among friends once a month for 8 months of the year.  Interested? Hamline Dinner Group gathers for in-home dinners with an occasional dinner at an area restaurant. Hosts provide the entrees plus beverages with guests bringing complementary dishes. For inquiries or reservations please contact […]

New Member Inquiry Class

Are you interested in becoming a member of Hamline Church? Following worship, Pastor Mariah and Heather will lead a new member inquiry class to go over what membership entails and other information about the United Methodist Church. The class will be held in the Parlor, downstairs, opposite of the Community Room. Refreshments will be provided. […]

Spring Small Group Series: Addiction and Grace

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Sunday, April 29, May 6 & May 13, 11:15-12:30pm in Room 10 Please join us for a small group discussion on the spiritual nature of addiction and recovery. This group is for anyone dealing with issues of addiction and recovery, those affected by someone else’s addiction, or those who are just interested in a better […]

Hamline Reconcilers Meeting

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Green Room

Youth Group

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

All youth are invited to gather for fellowship, food and large group games (think sardines, ghost in the graveyard, etc). Contact: Ashely Hoefker ahoefker01@hamline.edu and/or Karl Bjornerud kbjornerud01@hamline.edu

The South Metro Chorale

Ein Deutches Requiem: The London Version.  Tickets available to purchase at: southmetrochorale.org

An Earth Day Challenge & Blessing of the Bikes

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

During the month of May, Hamline Church is challenging members to drive less. Every gallon of gas we burn adds 18 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere and promotes climate change. Spring is a perfect time to explore transportation options – walk, bike, bus or car pool. We have some suggestions to help: Keep track […]

Pre-Mother’s Day Cookie Walk

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Hamline Church Women/UMW are planning the annual pre-Mother’s Day Cookie walk Sunday, May 6 after church. Bake cookies and bars to donate and remember to buy cookies after church from the cookie crew. Email us at hamlinewomen@gmail.com if you have questions.

Seed Planting

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Front Lawn after worship Children are invited to plant bean seeds in containers to take home. Care for your seed at home, and watch it grow. Then bring your seedling back to church on May 20 to transplant into the SPROUT garden. Look for Amy Schultz, Kathy Evenson-McDermott and Nancy Victorin-Vangarud on the front lawn […]

Garden & Grounds Clean up

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

SPROUT Garden after worship Come to the garden and prepare to flex your gardening muscles. We will clean/prep garden and can tackle the rain garden. Garden tools to bring includ shovel, rake, clippers, gloves. Wear clothing and shoes that can get dirty. Contact Heather for more information: hgrantham@hamlinechurch.org.

Mission Trip to Puerto Rico Fall 2018 Information Meeting

Hamline Church is organizing a United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (VIM) team to assist with disaster relief efforts in Puerto Rico in Fall 2018. Join us for an informational meeting on after worship on May 6 to learn more about the trip, fundraising and UM relief efforts in Puerto Rico.  For more information contact Pastor […]

Emma Norton Opening Doors Dinner

Minneapolis Marriot NE 7025 Northland Drive N, 55428, Brooklyn Park, MN, United States

Please join us for the annual Emma Norton dinner and fundraiser. Hamline Church will have a table at the event. If you are interested in attending, please contact Kevin or Kathy Schill at mnbuckeye.girl@yahoo.com or phone 651.925.6874 by May 1.

Poor People’s Campaign

On May 14, the Minnesota Poor People’s Campaign will join poor people, activists, clergy and moral leaders in more than 30 states and Washington, DC for 40 days of moral action to awaken the conscience of our nation’s leaders to address systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, and the war economy. Each week, Minnesotans of faith […]