Hamline Church

Hamline University End of the Year Pizza Party

Hamline Church Bread Oven Team will be providing pizza, beverages, side dishes, and encouragement for Hamline students as they wrap up their classes and finish their finals.  Would you like to volunteer at this event? It is a lot of fun and the students are very appreciative.  We need volunteers to help set up, provide […]


Mark Bilyeu, Piano & Alan Dunbar, Baritone. A 90 minute recital centralized around characters who are crazy, delusional and flat-out psychopathic. Recital showcases a newly commissioned work by Libby Larsen for the artists, a settings of letters by the writer John Clare during his residency in the Northampton General Lunatic Asylum, Schubert’s settings of poet […]

Poor People’s Campaign

MN State Capital

On May 14, the Minnesota Poor People’s Campaign will join poor people, activists, clergy and moral leaders in more than 30 states and Washington, DC for 40 days of moral action to awaken the conscience of our nation’s leaders to address systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, and the war economy. Each week, Minnesotans of faith […]

Church Council Meeting

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Dining Hall Meeting

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Work Day at the Dining Hall

In conjunction with the installation of the new dishwasher we are organizing a work day at the Dining Hall to prepare for painting. The work will involve vacuuming up dust, washing down walls and masking the area to control the spray painting. We’re starting at 9am, but you can come later if you like. We’ll […]

Confirmation Rehearsal & Youth Group Party Saturday

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Saturday, May 19 Rehearsal from 5-6pm; Party from 6-7pm Confirmands will be rehearsing Saturday from 5-6pm in the Sanctuary for worship on Sunday. Parents, confirmands and youth join us for celebration after from 6-7pm.  Contact Heather Grantham hgrantham@hamlinechurch.org

Town Hall – Capital Projects Update

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Join us for a Town Hall forum to hear updates on capital campaign projects, ELI internship, finance update, staffing and more. This is a great opportunity to be in conversation with the Council about current and future happenings at Hamline Church.

Poor People’s Campaign at the State Capital

Connecting systemic racism and economic justice: A Rally for a Just Immigration Policy The Minnesota Poor People’s Campaign will join poor people, activists, clergy and moral leaders in more than 30 states and Washington, DC for 40 days of moral action to awaken the conscience of our nation’s leaders to address systemic racism, poverty, ecological […]

Puerto Rico Mission Trip – Sign Up Now!

Trip dates: November 10-17 2018 Sign up deadline: May 25 Hamline Church is headed to Puerto Rico to help with recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. We will be participating in a United Methodist Volunteers in Mission Trip (VIM). A branch of UMCOR that has been on the ground since the hurricane hit […]

Ramadan Open House

The Minnesota Council of Churches and the Muslim American Society of Minnesota is coordinating a program called Taking Heart to bring Christians and members of other faith communities together with Muslims for food and conversation during Ramadan. Minnesota mosques and Islamic Community Centers welcome their non-Muslim neighbors for a traditional Ramadan Iftar, inviting a time […]

Support PB&J Sundays – 4th Sunday of the Month

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

During the summer months, when school is closed, there are some children who depend on school breakfast and lunch who miss meals. In order that they may still have some kind of meal, the social justice committee will collect quick, simple food items that kids can make on their own. Collections will take place on […]

Poor People’s Campaign:War Economy and Militarism A Rally for a Peace Economy that Values all of Humanity

The Minnesota Poor People’s Campaign will join poor people, activists, clergy and moral leaders in more than 30 states and Washington, DC for 40 days of moral action to awaken the conscience of our nation’s leaders to address systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, and the war economy. Each week, Minnesotans of faith and conscience will […]

June is Pride Month – Let’s Get Involved

Join the June RUM Drive and become a Reconciling United Methodist. Membership forms will be available every Sunday in June and may be folded and placed in the offering plate. Rums are members of the national Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) and will be kept informed of happenings in the UM reconciling movement. There is a […]

Spring Troglodyte Event

Come and join us for a tour of the Minnesota State Capitol. Meet us at the tour office located on the first floor. The tour is free, but they ask for a $5 per person donation. The tour is from 2:00 to about 3:00. Please RSVP to Monell (monelljakel@aol.com or 651-482-9084) by May 23 for […]

Solar Oven Partners Forum

Solar Oven Partners UMC is a ministry providing solar ovens to impoverished people in deforested lands. Join us after worship for a forum to see a solar oven and hear from the director, Marj Evans-de-Carpio about how this ministry addresses economic, environmental and health concerns and the ways that you can be involved from home, […]

Poor People’s Campaign: The Right to Health—Ecology & Climate Change A Rally for Ecological Justice.

More info and more dates at: www.facebook.com/mnppc/ The Minnesota Poor People’s Campaign will join poor people, activists, clergy and moral leaders in more than 30 states and Washington, DC for 40 days of moral action to awaken the conscience of our nation’s leaders to address systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, and the war economy. Each […]

Ramadan Open House

Masjid At-taqwa, 1608 Como Avenue The Minnesota Council of Churches and the Muslim American Society of Minnesota is coordinating a program called Taking Heart to bring Christians and members of other faith communities together with Muslims for food and conversation during Ramadan. Minnesota mosques and Islamic Community Centers welcome their non-Muslim neighbors for a traditional […]

Celebrating Bob and Jacquie Sellers

The Sellers’ kids would like to invite you to join us in celebrating Bob & Jacquie Sellers’ 80th Birth year.  All are welcome to the open house at their daughter Andi’s house 366 Hall Ave, St.Paul 55107. Food, fun & pool is available if you would like to swim. Questions? Contact Deb Gewecke at 651-428-8849

June Gathering of Hamline Dinner Group

This month’s “welcome summer” gathering for Hamline Dinner Group will be on Saturday, June 9 at the Tavern Grill, 3561 Lexington Ave. N, Arden Hills , on their beautiful patio with weather permitting. Hamline Dinner Group gathers for in-home dinners with an occasional dinner out at an area restaurant. Hosts provide the entrees plus beverages […]