Hamline Church

Poor People’s Campaign

Everybody’s Got a Right to Live: A Rally for a Living Wage and Economic Justice More info and more dates at: www.facebook.com/mnppc/

Feed My Starving Children

Join us for an evening of fellowship, service, and fun at Feed My Starving Children in Eagan. Contact Carol Duling to reserve your spot!  danielcarol@comcast.net

Thirsty Scholars Annual BBQ Open House

Everyone is invited to the 4th annual Thirsty Scholars BBQ. Join us to kick off the summer with good food, friendship, and bounce house fun! BBQ provided, please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Contact: Pastor Mariah or Ryan Tollgaard rtollgaard@gmail.com

Parents of 10 – 12 year-olds – Join us for an intro to ‘Wonderfully Made’

Hamline Church Youth Room

Join us for an introduction to ‘Wonderfully Made’ – a new United Methodist curriculum on faith and sexuality.  Heather Grantham and Amy Ireland will go over the curriculum and answer any questions you may have.  During VBS (June 18 – 22) on Mon-Thurs (4 days), the ‘Wonderfully Made’ group will meet after our afternoon recreation/game […]

Kids Meet the Author

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

On June 17 after worship, kids will have the opportunity to meet a real live author – and discuss her book! Heather Bouwman will discuss ‘Crack in the Sea’ and answer kids’ questions about being a writer immediately after worship in the Activity Room downstairs. Children of all ages, and their caregivers, are welcome! Questions? […]

Meal Service at Dorothy Day

Mary Hall 438 N Main St, St. Paul

Our meal service on the even numbered months continues. Please sign up to serve with Doug Nienhuis at meldcn@iphouse.com

‘Rolling River Rampage’ Vacation Bible School Day-Camp

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

We will 'Experience the Ride of a Lifetime with God' and learn that "When pass through the waters, will be with ". (Isaiah 43:2)   VBS runs from 9 AM - 3 PM, with before-care available at 8 AM, and after-care available until 5 PM In addition to our regular children’s programming, we are also offering an Adult […]

VBS Pizza, Open House & Worship

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

We'll have pizza from the brick oven at 5pm and a VBS worship service (led by our VBS campers) at 6pm. We'll also have all of our work, arts and crafts on display and for families to take home. Questions? Contact Amy at asireland@hamlinechurch.org

Support PB&J Sundays – 4th Sunday of the Month

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

During the summer months, when school is closed, there are some children who depend on school breakfast and lunch who miss meals. In order that they may still have some kind of meal, the social justice committee will collect quick, simple food items that kids can make on their own. Collections will take place on […]

Hamline Midway Elders Ice Cream Social

The entire community is invited to this annual free event. There will be musical entertainment, children's activities, door prizes - and of course plenty of ice cream and toppings - and an ice cream making demonstration and sampling featuring an old-fashioned cranking ice cream maker. We'll also have options for special dietary needs. Contact: Tom […]

Hamline Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser

Davanni's Roseville 1905 Perimeter Rd, Roseville, MN, United States

Come and eat pizza and raise funds for our youth mission trip to Chicago this summer. No slip or coupon needed. Just come in anytime from Noon to 4pm on July 8. Let the cashier know you are participating in the Hamline Church Youth Fundraiser and 20% of the meal purchased will go to the […]

Yoga at Hamline

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Tuesdays, July 10 - August 21 at 9:30am in the Parlor 60 minute gentle style yoga class: focus on moving and flowing through gentle postures, breathing and stilling the mind. Free will suggested fee $10. Wear comfortable clothes. Bring water and a yoga mat. Please let Stephanie know if you would like to borrow a […]

Racial Reconciliation Series Forum

Luther Seminary, Olson Campus center, Room 10

The next Racial Reconciliation Series Forum will be held Saturday, July 14, 2018. Community Conversations for Racial & Ethnic Reconciliation and Understanding presents: Racism in Our Institutions: The collective harm in healthcare and the criminal justice system.

Yoga at Hamline

Tuesdays, July 10 - August 21 at 9:30am in the Parlor 60 minute gentle style yoga class: focus on moving and flowing through gentle postures, breathing and stilling the mind. Free will suggested fee $10. Wear comfortable clothes. Bring water and a yoga mat. Please let Stephanie know if you would like to borrow a […]

Church Council Leadership and Church Conference

A Church Conference will be held on Tuesday, July 17 at 7pm for the purpose of election 2018-19 Church Council leadership. All are welcome, members may vote. The July Church Council meeting will follow. Hamline Church expresses our deep thanks to outgoing board members: Ray Faust, Sharon Fields & Jeanne LeFevre. We welcome new council […]

Support PB&J Sundays – 4th Sunday of the Month

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

During the summer months, when school is closed, there are some children who depend on school breakfast and lunch who miss meals. In order that they may still have some kind of meal, the social justice committee will collect quick, simple food items that kids can make on their own. Collections will take place on […]

Yoga at Hamline

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Tuesdays, July 10 - August 21 at 9:30am in the Parlor 60 minute gentle style yoga class: focus on moving and flowing through gentle postures, breathing and stilling the mind. Free will suggested fee $10. Wear comfortable clothes. Bring water and a yoga mat. Please let Stephanie know if you would like to borrow a […]

United Methodist Creation Care Summit July 26 – 29 at Hamline University & Hamline Church

Hamline Church is honored to co-host this national UMC event with Hamline University. This event is for United Methodists concerned about environmental justice, sustainable food, transportation options, energy systems, climate change, and environmental degradation. We hope to see you in July! More info about the summit is also available here. Registration and more info available […]

Yoga at Hamline

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Tuesdays, July 10 - August 21 at 9:30am in the Parlor 60 minute gentle style yoga class: focus on moving and flowing through gentle postures, breathing and stilling the mind. Free will suggested fee $10. Wear comfortable clothes. Bring water and a yoga mat. Please let Stephanie know if you would like to borrow a […]

New Volunteers to the Dining Hall Forum

Hamline Church Parlor 1514 Englewood Avenue, St. Paul, MN, United States

If you are interested in volunteering at Dining Hall during the State Fair, but would like more information, please join experienced and seasoned Dining Hall Volunteers for a Forum after church August 5. They will give you more information about what to expect and what roles are needed while guiding you in signing up! Contact […]