Hamline Church

Yoga at Hamline

Hamline Church Parlor 1514 Englewood Avenue, St. Paul, MN, United States

60 minute gentle style yoga class: focus on moving and flowing through gentle postures, breathing and stilling the mind. Free will suggested fee $10. Wear comfortable clothes. Bring water and a yoga mat. Please let Stephanie know if you would like to borrow a mat. Class reservations or questions: Stephanie Hammerly at stephh518@icloud.com or 651-231-2680

Yoga at Hamline

Hamline Church Parlor 1514 Englewood Avenue, St. Paul, MN, United States

60 minute gentle style yoga class: focus on moving and flowing through gentle postures, breathing and stilling the mind. Free will suggested fee $10. Wear comfortable clothes. Bring water and a yoga mat. Please let Stephanie know if you would like to borrow a mat. Class reservations or questions: Stephanie Hammerly at stephh518@icloud.com or 651-231-2680

Meal service at Dorothy Day

Dorothy Day

Our meal service on the even numbered months continues. Food prep will begin at 1:15pm at Catholic Charities Distribution Center (341 Chester Street). Servers will begin as usual at 4:15pm at Mary Hall. Please sign-up in advance by contacting Jane McClure (mcclure50449@aol.com) or Gary Reineccius (greinecc@umn.edu). 

20’s/30’s Group Game Night

Join Hamline Church 20 and 30 year olds for a night of games, food, and fellowship. Hosted by Claire Dingwell in her downtown apartment. Contact Claire (dingw045@umn.edu) or Heather (hgrantham@hamlinechurch.org) for address and more information.

Adult Spiritual Formation and Teacher Training

Room 10

Learn how leading Godly Play for the children at Hamline Church can be its own form of deep spiritual formation for adults, too. We will experience Godly Play as the children do, and then practice storytelling ourselves. We will also go over our Safe Sanctuaries policy, and choose teaching dates for the fall semester. Bring […]

Fiction and Fellowship

All are invited to come along to discuss a book selection with the Fiction and Fellowship group, founded by Kent and Diane Krueger many years ago. As we always say, come along even if you’ve not finished reading the book (or even begun to read it). Bring a snack item if you wish and join […]

UMW/Hamline Women Fall Potluck

Applewood Pointe 2665 Victoria Street N., Roseville, MN, United States

All women are welcome at the fall potluck! Judy Abbott, Mary Bakeman and Marge Feulner welcome us to their home. We’ll be in the Great Room. Bring a dish to share. Note that the building has eight entrances. We’ll be entering from the main entrance, Entrance #1 off of North Victoria, across from the Lake […]

Hamline University Back to School Bash

Hamline Church front lawn

Hamline Church has a relationship with the university right across the street (conveniently sharing the same Hamline name). Each year, we provide hospitality and food to the students to let them know we are here and that we care for them.   Hamline U Students, YOU ARE INVITED! Hamline Church folk, would you be able […]

Rally Sunday

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Join us as we kick off the 2018-2019 year in joy and song! You can get registered for Sunday School. Kids can play in the Bounce House. Pizza from the Bread Oven will be served! Pot-luck side dishes, and lots, and lots, of fun. Potluck: Please bring your salad, appetizer or dessert item to the kitchen ideally by […]

Church Council Meeting

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Hamline Midway Elders Lasagna Dinner

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

People of all ages are invited to the Hamline Midway Elders (HME) annual fund raising and community building event. Feast on lasagna and bid & purchase a variety of silent auction items – with all proceeds benefitting HME. Tickets: $5 for seniors and children under 10, $10 for all others in advance, and $12 for […]

Book Group

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Centering Prayer

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Hamline Church offers contemplative prayer weekly prior to Sunday services. Centering prayer is a time of silence and openness to the presence of God; our prayer is inspired by the example of Thomas Merton and the monks of St. John’s Abbey in Massachusetts and work they began in the ’70’s; that example in turn was […]


Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Greeter/Usher/Lay reader training

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

You are needed to help meet and greet folks on Sunday morning. If you are interested in this vital ministry of Hamilne Church, please come to the training. Contact: Stephanie Bowron at scbowron@yahoo.com and/or Heather Grantham at hgrantham@hamlinechurch.org

Youth Group

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Welcome back to another awesome year of youth group! We’ll be kicking off the year with a party Sunday, September 23 at 5pm. This is open to all students in 6th - 12th grades. Our programing this year will continue to be on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. Our first few events will be hiking […]

Men’s Breakfast

Perkins Roseville, MN, United States

Gathering for 20/30 Somethings of Hamline Church

MN, United States

  Tracy and Miles Ray will host the next gathering of the 20s and 30s group. Bring a game treat to share and join us for a night of Viking Football viewing. Contact: Heather at hgrantham@hamlinechurch.org and/or Tracy Ray at tracylynn421@gmail.com