Hamline Church

Fiction and Fellowship

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Fiction and Fellowship will meet in-person in the Green Room. We are Hamline Church folks who enjoy reading and discussing books together led by Kent Krueger. All are welcome. We meet at Church on the second Sunday of the month from September - May. This year we have a broad theme - people who have […]

Youth Class with NAMI MN: Anxiety, Stress, and Coping

For middle and high school youth and their parents/caregivers As we wrap up our worship series on mental health, we invite you to a learning opportunity with the Youth and Parent Educator from NAMI MN. Join us for a class to learn about where anxiety and stress come from, ways to cope, when anxiety may […]

Spiritual Mini-Retreat | Sacred Fire: Setting Our Intentions

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Thursday, February 10 from 3:00-7:00pm - come and go as you are able How is God speaking to you? In our holy scriptures, God speaks to people in many forms, including through fire. This Thursday, come contemplate holy fire in our sacred sanctuary space; come gather fuel for life’s journey through prayer stations, contemplation, and […]

Fiction and Fellowship

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Fiction and Fellowship will meet in-person in the Green Room. We are Hamline Church folks who enjoy reading and discussing books together led by Kent Krueger. All are welcome. We meet at Church on the second Sunday of the month from September - May. This year we have a broad theme - people who have […]

Ash Wednesday Worship

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Begin your lenten journey with live, beautiful meditative music from our Handbell Choir and Eileen Miller on piano beginning at 6:00pm. Various prayer stations will be set up in the sanctuary to guide your prayers and reflections. Worship & Imposition of Ashes begins at 6:30pm.

Dining Hall Forum

Following the worship service, there will be a congregational meeting to share what plans are in the works for this year’s Dining Hall and the celebration of the 125th anniversary. This is a chance to hear from the Dining Hall team about special days at the Fair, favorite returning foods and, of course, the ever-anticipated…New […]

Hamline University’s 2022 Spring Mahle Lecture Series: Let’s Not Go Back to Normal: Racial Reckoning, Repair, and Reconciliation

In the 2022 Spring Mahle Lecture series we will be exploring and articulating contemporary forms of Christian Theology through the lens of Lived Theology. This year we are thrilled to be working with Tesfa Wondemagegnehu, Assistant Professor of Music - Voice and Conductor of the Chapel Choir and Viking Chorus at St. Olaf College, as […]

Justice Choir Community Sing & Dinner with Tesfa Wondemagegnehu & Will Rand

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Hamline University 2022 Spring Mahle Lecture Series & the Hamline Church Music & Art Series present: Justice Choir Community Sing & Dinner with Tesfa Wondemagegnehu & Will Rand Friday, March 11 6-6:45pm free dinner from Soul Bowl 7pm Community Sing begins Tesfa Wondemagegnehu leads a night of peace and justice music from the Justice Choir […]

Annual Gathering of the Minnesota Reconciling Congregations

The program starts at 1:00 pm with Updates, followed by “How to Take Care of Ourselves in Times of Turmoil”, presented by Rev. Leah Rosso. View the presentation live-stream at www.fumcscr.org or join a gathering at Good Samaritan UMC, Edina. Contact Barb Edgar (Edgar002@umn.edu) with questions.

Fiction and Fellowship

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Fiction and Fellowship will meet in-person in the Green Room. We are Hamline Church folks who enjoy reading and discussing books together led by Kent Krueger. All are welcome. We meet at Church on the second Sunday of the month from September - May. This year we have a broad theme - people who have […]


Join us for our March read of The Sum of Us by Heather Mcghee. Discussion will be held via Zoom. Please RSVP to Maureen Freberg (mfreberg@hamlinechurch.org). The Racial Justice Reading Group explores issues of social and racial justice through reading and discussion. More info on the book club and where to get books: hamlinechurch.org/racial-justice-reading-group/

Tour SafeZone’s Drop In Center for Homeless Youth

As part of the ongoing Ministry Partnership with Face to Face SafeZone services for homeless youth, a tour has been scheduled - gather in the commons area to join a carpool that will leave at 11:15am. Interested persons from Hamline Church are invited to have a short tour of the Drop In Center for Homeless […]

Free Sustainable Community Meals 

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

  Hamline Church has partnered with Eureka Compass Vegan Food for a free monthly, sustainable, community meal! All proceeds go to a local non-profit. The March meal will be utilizing the bread oven. If weather permits, we are hoping to build community and set into motion making our 4th Tuesday Community meals a long lasting […]

Music and Arts Series Performance 

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Choral Concert: The College of St. Scholastica Concert Choir under the direction of Dr. Richard Carrick, former Director of Music at Hamline Church! Free will offering.  


Acclaimed musician/songwriter Bobby Jo Valentine presents a local benefit concert to benefit OutFront Minnesota. Peace Community of Faith, 5050 Hodgson Road, Shoreview Musician/songwriter Bobby Jo Valentine is a strong voice for the GLBTQ community and other justice-oriented nonprofits. As part of its supportive ministry, Peace is providing sponsorship funds so that the concert can be […]

A Lenten Journey featuring the Mirandola Ensemble

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Minnesota-based professional choral ensemble dedicated to promoting the highest standards of choral music, the idea of choral music as ‘high art’ in the Western tradition, and the aesthetics of the Renaissance. Free will offering.

Fiction and Fellowship

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Fiction and Fellowship will meet in-person in the Green Room. We are Hamline Church folks who enjoy reading and discussing books together led by Kent Krueger. All are welcome. We meet at Church on the second Sunday of the month from September - May. This year we have a broad theme - people who have […]


Join us for our April read of Angela Davis: An Autobiography by Angela Y Davis. Discussion will be held via Zoom. Please RSVP to Maureen Freberg (mfreberg@hamlinechurch.org). The Racial Justice Reading Group explores issues of social and racial justice through reading and discussion. More info on the book club and where to get books: hamlinechurch.org/racial-justice-reading-group/

Fiction and Fellowship

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Fiction and Fellowship will meet in-person in the Green Room. We are Hamline Church folks who enjoy reading and discussing books together led by Kent Krueger. All are welcome. We meet at Church on the second Sunday of the month from September - May. This year we have a broad theme - people who have […]