Hamline Church

Blessing of the Backpacks

Children of all ages are invited to bring their school bags to worship on Sunday, September 11 for the Blessing of the Backpacks during the Children’s Moment.  We’ll send kids off with a blessing and small charm to tie to their bags, along with prayers for a blessed new school year.

Learn Why We Love Godly Play

The start of Sunday School is right around the corner.  As we expand our program and share the stories of our faith with more children, we are in need of more Sunday School teachers.  Come learn the joy of Godly Play at an in-depth teacher training on Sunday, September 11 from 11:30 – 1:30 in […]

Confirmation Kick-Off Party


Students in Confirmation Class, and their high school mentors, gather to play games, have fun, and get to know each other before the regular class session starts. RSVP to Maggie by registering for Confirmation.

Confirmation: Session 1 & Orientation

Confirmation begins on 9/25. Parents Orientation is from 11:30 - 12 and class is from 12 to 1. Register with Maggie by clicking here.

Youth Group Kick Off Party

All youth grades 6 through 12 are invited to youth group! Join the group for a kick off game night, where we will run about the church and decorate the youth room. Our project this year is painting new chairs for our new dining table. Do you have an odd dining chair sitting about in […]

Youth Group Halloween Party

All youth from grades 6 to 12 are invited to a youth Halloween Party! Snacks, candy, and night games in the church, as well as small-group connections for both middle and high schoolers. Have fun, see your friends, and enjoy some Halloween festivities. No need to put together a costume--it may make it hard to […]

Youth Outing to the Hindu Temple of MN

Hamline Church Youth have been invited to take a tour of the Hindu Temple of Minnesota in Maple Grove! This Hindu Temple is the only of its kind in Minnesota, and is a great time to learn about Hinduism, and our Indian-American neighbors. After the tour, we are invited to a delicious Indian lunch cooked […]

Youth Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt

All youth grades 6 through 12 will be put into teams for a scavenger hunt in our Hamline-Midway neighborhood! We’ll gather again to eat a late lunch at Mirror of Korea. Try Korean food for the first (or millionth) time, and check out what our interesting neighborhood has to offer. RSVP: Maggie at mnancarrow@hamlinechurch.org

Youth Service Learning Project

All youth in grades 6 to 12 are invited to this opportunity to serve and learn. Joining us will be Keystone’s Americorps VISTA, Nicole. She’ll be leading a lesson with us on generational poverty, living on minimum wage, and how Keystone helps its neighborhood. You won’t want to miss this! Groups will be split according […]

Youth & Family Ice Skating at the Depot

The Depot 225 3rd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55401, Minneapolis

Sunday, December 18 at 12 pm Celebrate the season with your whole family. Bring your youngsters in grades 6 through 12 to ice skate at the iconic Minneapolis Depot, and enjoy some quality time with your kids and other parents of youth. Depot Admission is $9 per adult, $6 per child and $7 for skate […]

State of the Youth Ministry & Movie Night

The Hamline Church Youth Ministry has been working hard to develop a strong program for two and a half years. Now is a good time to reflect: what is working well? Where are we going? How can we continue to develop our young people and families? Students in High School, adults responsible for youthites, and […]