Christmas Eve Service: Children & Family Worship
Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United StatesThe ABCs of Christmas
The ABCs of Christmas
The triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the trial of Jesus in one, vibrant service. Gather outside the sanctuary to process in with palms.
Join us on the lawn for refreshments, and Hot Crossed Buns from our wood-fired community bread oven, and an Easter egg hunt for the kids!
After the star of Christmas and Epiphany, now what? We are exploring what it means to be enlightened, by looking at some intersections between science and faith. Are science and religion mutually contradictory ideas? Or do they complement one another? Do the latest scientific discoveries threaten religious faith? Or confirm it? In our country’s current […]
The journey to the cross of Good Friday and the resurrection of Easter Sunday begins Sunday, April 14, at 10 am with Palm/Passion Sunday. We will begin the service by processing into the sanctuary during the opening song with palm branches.
Join us for a 10 movement telling of the Christmas story as interpreted by French Composer, Camille Saint-Saëns. Written in 1858, the oratorio explores a number of musical styles – narrative recitatives, folk-like melodies, passionate solo operatic passages, and beautifully simple choral writing.
A contemplative worship of healing for those who mourn and seek companionship during the holiday season. Light supper served.
Stream our online worship Sundays at 10am.
Join us for online worship Sundays at 10am. More info at
Zoom Coffee Hour Join after worship: Meeting ID: 227 277 237
Stream our online worship Sundays at 10am.
Join us for online worship Sundays at 10am. More info at
Zoom Coffee Hour Join after worship: Meeting ID: 227 277 237
Stream our online worship Sundays at 10am.
Join us for online worship Sundays at 10am. More info at