Hamline Church

Crop Walk Against Hunger

Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul 1671 Summit Avenue

Join member Roger Force at the 2016 Crop Walk! Walkers leave from Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul, located at 1671 Summit Avenue. Walkers will head east along Summit Avenue and have a choice of a 2.8 mile trek or a 4.5 mile trek. You may solicit donations as a walker or donate directly to […]

Youth Service Learning Project

All youth in grades 6 to 12 are invited to this opportunity to serve and learn. Joining us will be Keystone’s Americorps VISTA, Nicole. She’ll be leading a lesson with us on generational poverty, living on minimum wage, and how Keystone helps its neighborhood. You won’t want to miss this! Groups will be split according […]

Blue Christmas

Take a break from the business and wildness of the Advent & Christmas season to reflect. This service is especially for those for whom Christmas is not a joyful time, or for those of us who live in tension between loss and love during these holidays.

Loaves and Fishes at Dorothy Day

Sunday, December 18 from 2 pm to 6 pm Hamline Church prepares and serves a meal at the Dorothy Day Center every other month through Loaves and Fishes. During the Advent season, we also bring Christmas cookies to share with the guests. Sign up to serve with Doug, or bring cookies on Sunday morning.

UMW Sunday

The topic for UMW Sunday is climate change. The Hamline Women will also give an award to someone for outstanding service.

Love Somalia: A Feed My Starving Children Event, Hamline Group 1

Love Somalia with Feed My Starving Children at RiverCentre, is a relief collaborative of faith-based communities. They need 30,000 volunteers to help pack 6 million meals. Somalia is experiencing intense drought. Currently, around 6.2 million people in Somalia need assistance with food and water. This is more than half of the country’s entire population. Now […]

Love Somalia: A Feed My Starving Children Event, Hamline Group 2

Love Somalia with Feed My Starving Children at RiverCentre, is a relief collaborative of faith-based communities. They need 30,000 volunteers to help pack 6 million meals. Somalia is experiencing intense drought. Currently, around 6.2 million people in Somalia need assistance with food and water. This is more than half of the country’s entire population. Now […]

Volunteer Opportunity at Simpson Shelter

Simpson Shelter

Sunday, February 18 at 3:15pm Join Hamline Church in our annual serving of dinner at Simpson Shelter. Please sign up at hamlinechurch.org/sign-up-central - note we can only take 20 folks. We will meet in the church parking lot at 3:15pm and depart for Simpson at 3:45pm. For more information, please contact Heather Grantham, hgrantham@hamlinechurch.org

Mission Trip Info Meeting

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

We are happy to have our summer Youth Mission Trip scheduled to the south side of Chicago, July 29 to August 3 – and we will have an initial, brief meeting to answer questions after church on April 8 in the Youth Room. We will be staying at a UMC church in the South Side […]

Youth Group Gathering

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Sunday, April 15 after worship All youth, grades 6-12, are invited to prepare the Sprout Garden for planting! As you may know, Hamline Sprout Garden helps to feed many seniors in our community. This is an integral ministry to Hamline Church - and last year the youth did such an excellent job preparing the soil […]

Hamline Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser

Davanni's Roseville 1905 Perimeter Rd, Roseville, MN, United States

Come and eat pizza and raise funds for our youth mission trip to Chicago this summer. No slip or coupon needed. Just come in anytime from Noon to 4pm on July 8. Let the cashier know you are participating in the Hamline Church Youth Fundraiser and 20% of the meal purchased will go to the […]

Meal service at Dorothy Day

341 Chester Street St Paul MN 341 Chester Street, St Paul, MN, United States

  Our meal service on the even numbered months continues. Food prep will begin at 1:15pm at Catholic Charities Distribution Center (341 Chester Street). Servers will begin as usual at 4:15pm at Mary Hall. Please sign-up in advance by contacting Doug Nienhuis (meldcn@iphouse.com).