Hamline Church

Handbell Choir Rehearsal

Are you interested in joining the Hamline Church handbell choir? Rehearsals have begun, but it is not too late to join. We rehearse every other Wednesday evening from 6:00 - 6:45, and will play during worship on select Sundays throughout the calendar year. You must be able to read music notation to be a part […]

Handbell Choir Rehearsal

Are you interested in joining the Hamline Church handbell choir? Rehearsals have begun, but it is not too late to join. We rehearse every other Wednesday evening from 6:00 - 6:45, and will play during worship on select Sundays throughout the calendar year. You must be able to read music notation to be a part […]

Bell Choir Rehearsal

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Music and Art Series: Jugendkonzertchor

We are excited to announce the third annual Hamline Church Music & Art series line up!  The series starts with the Jugendkonzertchor (German Youth Choir) on Monday, October 23 at 7pm. Check out http://www.hamlinechurch.org/arts-series for more information and to see the full schedule. Contact Richard Carrick, Director of Music to volunteer  rcarrick@hamlinechurch.org.

Music and Arts Series: Laura Caviani

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Laura Caviani is a veteran of two decades of performing, recording and composing. Her sixth release, “Mysterious Thelonious”, celebrates the centennial of jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk, and is hailed by Britt Robson of the Minneapolis Star Tribune as “a masterful blend of… chordal complexity, innate sense of swing, and desire to live up to […]

Music and Arts Series: Marc Anderson – Do the Right Thing

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Marc Anderson is a gifted musician, a Zen Buddhist Priest, as well as an academic. Join him for an evening of music, poems, and thought fragments on the nature of being human.

Music and Art Series: Christmas with Cantus

We are excited to announce the third annual Hamline Church Music & Art series line up! The final installment of this years series will be Christmas with Cantus on December 17th.

B-Sides Arts Song Collective Presents: Double Kreißed

Hamline Church 1514 Englewood Avenue, Saint Paul, United States

Join Chancel Choir Bass section leader Justin Spenner, Mario Perez, Tenor, and Jessica Schroeder, Piano for the inaugural concert of B-Sides Art Song Collective. This program will dive into the under-performed Liederkreis Op. 24, Duets Op. 43, and the well-loved Liederkreis Op. 39 by Robert Schumann. Come experience what this new organization has to offer, […]