2025 Annual Giving
Thanksgiving Food Drive & Commitment Sunday is November 24, 2024
We will consecrate our annual giving commitments during worship on November 24. You can make your 2025 pledge online here, at the form below, or bring your card to worship November 24. We will also be collecting non-perishable food items and financial donations for our Thanksgiving Food Drive for Keystone Community Services.
Download the 2025 Annual Giving Pledge Card
Read the letter from Pastor Mariah
Download the 2024 Ministry Report
- What is stewardship?
The practice of stewardship reminds us that all we have is not ultimately ours, but God’s. Our money and material possessions, as well as this good earth, are brimming with God’s grace as each sustains us. We are called to use what we’ve been given; grace is never to be consumed greedily or thoughtlessly, but with great generosity toward others and the work of God’s kingdom. A challenging practice, to be sure, but we come to discover that it actually gives us more than it asks. It’s been said that nothing can make God love us any less, and nothing can make God love us any more. That’s true with financial giving. We don’t give because we have to: we give because we can. We give because our giving helps lives be changed—even our own. - Should I use ACH (Bank Account) giving?
Yes! Credit cards cost us about 2 to 2.5% for each transaction, and that adds up to hundreds of dollars each month! Setting up a direct withdrawal from your bank account using ACH gives you the peace of mind that the vast majority of your gift is going directly to Hamline Church. - Is online giving safe?
Yes! Hamline Church’s relationship with Realm makes our online giving fully compliant with industry guidelines related to the use of credit cards and bank account information. - How do I make a commitment?
Click the “Give Now” button at the top of this page and set up a profile for online giving. - What if my financial circumstances change?
If you need to change your commitment at any time, just let us know. This commitment represents your voluntary giving; it’s not a binding contract. Contact the Financial Secretary in the church office to notify us of your change. - How are our financial gifts used?
Your financial giving changes people’s lives. We believe that our budget should reflect our mission, and we work every year to strengthen that alignment.
We also believe in honesty, transparency, and collaboration in our finances. Every fall, Hamline Church asks for members to make a yearly pledge, and the finance team drafts a budget. After receiving feedback and yearly pledges, the Finance Team publishes a final budget for the year.