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Thank you for joining us for our first edition of Together in Spirit from Hamline Church! Our intention is to offer a daily dose of hope and encouragement to our community and beyond as a reminder of God’s love and grace at work in the world. These emails will include short videos, reflections, songs, prayers, children’s stories, and more, all created by our staff and members. We hope it brings some joy in these uncertain times. Let us know how we’re doing and what you’d like to see by contacting us. Thank you for being here!
Today we are sharing this lovely video of Amy Ireland, Director of Children’s & Family Ministry, reading the book This is the Church.
The Hamline Church COVID Response Team continues to work with the Church Council to monitor current conditions. The Response Team will re-evaluate conditions at the August 23 Church Council meeting. Until then, Hamline Church will:
Suspend indoor coffee hour, move coffee hour and other church-related events with food outside.
Recommend masks (high quality) for groups of 6 or more meeting indoors. Open windows for ventilation, if possible, consider meeting outdoors.
Continue policies of adult masking in the presence of children, and masking of children as age appropriate.
On Tuesday, March 22, the Church Council met and reviewed our current COVID-19 protocols. After consulting with medical professionals, and reviewing CDC and MDH guidelines, the Church Council decided to change our current COVID-19 protocols to “Masks welcome, but not required” effective April 1.
We understand this is a big shift, however over the past month we have seen a significant decrease in coronavirus infection rates over a sustained period of time. We have reached a positive test infection rate of 2.7% in Ramsey County, 76% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated, and the updated CDC guidance labels Ramsey County as “low risk.”
While we know that reporting is not perfect, the CDC risk assessments takes into account data including infection rates and hospitalizations and beds available. With our current low infection rate and high vaccination rate (both in our county and especially high among our church members!), along with the CDC guidance, we felt comfortable making a change to our current practices.
We will watch the CDC risk level assessment weekly and if Ramsey County returns to a “medium” risk level, we will return to masks required in the building.
We also know that this may feel uncomfortable for some. We hope to create an environment that is respectful and safe, while following current medical guidance and allowing for individual choice. If someone is masked, consider allowing for more physical distance when choosing a pew or when engaged in conversation out of respect for one another’s comfort levels.
Please continue to wear masks this Sunday, March 27 to allow us time to get the word out and make necessary adjustments.
Starting April 1:
We welcome people to wear masks, but masks are not required. We hope that we will each respect one another other’s comfort levels.
We expect all eligible members of our community to be vaccinated.
Anyone who is sick is asked to please stay home and join in worship online.
We will continue to ask all staff, volunteers and children (as they are able), to mask in the Frolic room/nursery since our youngest community members are not able to be vaccinated. Children’s ministry staff and volunteers will also be masked during Sacred Studio and other indoor events with children under 5.
We will be watching weekly and may decide with very short notice to return to masking in the building.
Singing in worship is allowed – masks welcome but not required. We will still not be physically “passing the peace” or the offering plates.
I continue to give thanks for the incredible, grace-filled response of the Hamline Church community over the past two years as we have navigated the covid pandemic and necessary safety protocols. Your care, concern and love for one another and our neighbors has been evidence throughout these trying times. I am so grateful to be a part of this community and continue to hold you and our evolving situation in my prayers.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Mariah
01.28.2022 Update
On Sunday, February 6 we will resume offering both in person and online worship in accordance with our Covid safety precautions: Vaccinations required for all who are eligible, masks required and N95 masks strongly recommended, stay home if you’re sick, wash hands or sanitize frequently, practice physical distancing in the sanctuary, no eating inside, and singing with masks only.
Small groups and programming are allowed to resume meeting in person at the discretion of the group leader.
Children’s Sunday morning spiritual formation will continue onlinefor children ages 2 through 6th grade from 9:15-9:40 online, then join us for worship in-person or online at 10am.
Childcare will be available during in-person worship for children 5 and under.
Free Masks! N95 or KN95 masks have proven to be the most effective mask to wear in preventing the spread of Covid. We highly recommend that everyone wear a N95 or KN95 mask while in the church building. The Hamline Church Council is making free masks available for our community and building users. Stop by the church office on Sunday mornings to pick up a mask. Children’s sizes will also be available. If you would like a mask to be sent to you – please contact Maureen Freberg ( in the church office.
01.10.2022 Update
Dear Hamline Church,
Due to the current COVID surge, we will move worship and programming online for the rest of January upon the recommendation of our Bishop David Bard and the Minnesota Annual Conference.
Sunday School/Sacred Studio, Confirmation, youth activities, small groups and classes, large meetings, and Chancel Choir, will move online or be paused through January. We will creatively find ways to remain connected and continue in ministry. The leader(s) of your programs/groups will be in contact in coming days with logistical information.
For now, the church office and building will remain open as usual. If you need to contact the church office, we encourage you to call or email, if possible, to help limit in-person traffic or please keep your visit or drop-off short. Masks are always required in the building. We ask that any in-person meetings be limited to 5 people.
Our Hamline Church leadership is watching the situation closely and will keep the congregation apprised of any changes to our protocol through email and social media.
At the Church Council meeting on January 25th, we will determine next steps for February.
I know that this is not where any of us wanted to be at this point. I am hopeful that this will be a short-term situation, as it is expected that the surge should peak this month. I continue to remain grateful that our Hamline Church community is committed to the health and safety of our church and our neighbors. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
These words from Bishop Bard offer us assurance for these difficult times and are a reminder of why we are called to make these hard decisions, “Friends, I continue to believe that by God’s grace we can muster the resilience, the kindness, and the determination to do what needs to be done to navigate this pandemic. As followers of Jesus, we can and should lead in promoting public health, furthering the common good, and caring for the well-being of others. When we act out of love for neighbor and care for our community, we offer a powerful witness to the grace of God in Jesus Christ. We allow the light of epiphany to shine more brightly in our world.”
Grace and Peace,
Rev Mariah Furness Tollgaard
December 2021 Update
Worship continues in person at Hamline Church 10am on Sundays and online at 10am and on demand at
Thank you for observing the following COVID precautions: Vaccinations required for all who are eligible, masks required, stay home if you’re sick, wash hands or sanitize frequently, practice physical distancing in the sanctuary, no eating inside, and singing with masks only.
Covid Protocol Update: Congregational Singing at Hamline Church
Because Hamline Church United Methodist has a highly vaccinated population, Ramsey County’s vaccination rate is now above 70 percent, and masks have been proven effective in preventing the spread and transmission of Covid 19 even when singing, you are invited to sing the congregational service music and hymns with your masks on.
Please continue to observe Hamline Church’s Covid Safety Protocols including: vaccines required for all eligible, wear a mask properly, stay home when sick, please space yourself and your group from others, wash hands frequently.
This decision is based on guidance from the MN Department of Health, “Recommendations for Music and Activities and Performances During Covid 19” – June 30,2021 “When conducting activities that involve risk of COVID-19 transmission, such as congregational signing, faith-based settings with mixed populations of vaccinated and unvaccinated people should recommend that attendees wear face coverings. At minimum, these settings should create an environment that supports those who want to wear a face covering. This is especially important when some attendees have weaker immune systems or are at high risk of infection and severe disease.”
We have also been following guidance from professional music organizations about safety and best practices.
Hamline Church Council anticipates a gradual return to in person worship this summer. Outdoor worship will begin on the front lawn on Sundays at 10am starting June 20.The worship service will continue to be live-streamed as usual to as well as on Facebook and YouTube.
What to expect from outdoor worship COVID precautions will be followed including:
Masks optional outside, masks required indoors
Physical distancing
Hand sanitizing stations will be provided
No coffee or food will be served – though you may bring your own beverage.
Bring your own lawn chair or blanket
The building will be open to allow access to restrooms
What about the weather? In case of inclement weather – people should stay home and worship leaders will live stream from the Sanctuary without a congregation. An announcement will be made by 8:00am and sent out to the congregation in email and published on social media in the case of needing to have online worship only.
Can I Help? Yes! We will only be able to have in person worship if we have sufficient volunteers. We need volunteers to help with greeting, worship set-up and take down, running sound and technology, readers during worship, musicians and more. If you can help – please contact: Mo ( or Heather (
Radical Hospitality Team
Set up, Take down, Greeting folks as they arrive, Directing traffic, COVID Safety Awareness
Tech Crew
We’re looking for volunteers interested in learning to run our sound and/or video equipment for worship services, funerals, and other events. Whether it’s just for this summer or becoming a regular part of our team, we’d love to have you join us. Contact Walker ( for more information or to sign up.
Online Connectors
Greet folks as they start worshiping on Facebook and YouTube; Ask for prayer concerns to pass along to Care Team; Host Zoom Coffee 1/2 hour
SPROUT Garden Gurus
Escort kids from front lawn to SPROUT Garden; Read kids a story and/or help with garden tasks from Amy Schultz and Kathy Evenson-Mcdermott; Deliver garden produce to Hamline Midway Elders occasionally
Comments Off on March is Minnesota FoodShare Month
Hamline Church has supported this event for many years through the Keystone Community Services on University Avenue in St. Paul. This year we will also share the 25% of the money collected with Interfaith Action’s Department of Indian Work food shelf. In March we collect food every Sunday during worship or, in the designated boxes near the office in the commons and downstairs near the elevator. In March all amounts of money and food (each pound of food is given a 1 dollar value for this purpose), will be matched by the statewide agencies and given to each local center according to the amount they have collected. Contributions will be collected throughout the month. Tan envelopes for cash donations are in the pews. Every contribution is greatly appreciated! There are 7000 people who need and use these 3 Keystone agencies. Lists of items that are needed will be posted near the boxes during this time. Thank you!
The Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign is the largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state, accomplished by participating groups and individuals engaged in the fight against hunger in support of our 300 partner food shelves.
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Hamline Church is honored to welcome Bishop Karen P. Oliveto of the United Methodist Church Mountain Sky Area. Bishop Oliveto is the first openly LGBTQ+ Bishop in the UMC. Bishop Oliveto was elected Bishop in 2016 after serving as the first woman pastor of the 12,000-member Glide Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco, Calif. She is the first woman to serve as senior pastor of one of The United Methodist Church’s 100 largest congregations.
As the 2020 Hamline University Mahle Lecturer, the Bishop will engage with campus community and congregations about the challenges and opportunities of the United Methodist Church’s current struggle to be “together at the table” and yet open to new paths. See the full schedule of events below.
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Last year the world celebrated the 200th birthday of the virtuosic pianist, accomplished composer, and one of the most revolutionary women in music, Clara Schumann. Jennifer Olson, Soprano, David Kozisek, Tenor, and Benjamin Downs, Piano shine a light on the tempestuous and tragic love of Clara and Robert Schumann, using their words, letters, and incredible music. Featuring Robert’s Dichterliebe, several lieder by Clara, and solo piano compositions by both Schumanns, Brahms, and Liszt.
WHEN: Saturday, March 7, 2020, 7:00-8:30PM
WHERE: Hamline Church, United Methodist
1514 Englewood Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55104
PRESENTER: Presented by Hamline Church United Methodist as part of the 2019-2020 Music and Arts Series
Dr. Jennifer Olson, soprano, holds a Master’s degree in voice from the University of Michigan and a Doctorate of Musical Arts in voice from the University of Minnesota. In addition to her musical education in the United States, she studied in Milan Italy and Orford Québec. Jennifer has been teaching voice at the collegiate and high-school levels in addition to her performance career for the last ten years. She recently joined the Bemidji State University music faculty as an assistant professor of voice in northern Minnesota where she teaches vocal arts and directs the university’s opera and musical theater productions.
Dr. David Kozisek, tenor, is on faculty at Gustavus Adolphus University and MacPhail Center for Music and holds degrees from DePauw University, University of Michigan, and University of Minnesota. Before moving to Minneapolis, he appeared frequently at the Kennedy Center with the Washington National Opera, Washington Chorus, Washington Concert Opera, Cathedral Choral Society, and the National Symphony Orchestra among others. David has also performed with the Shakespeare Theatre Company and in various theatrical programs at Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. David is also the Director of Music at Hamline Church United Methodist in St. Paul where he conducts a variety of ensembles and curates and produces their Music and Arts Series. This summer, he will direct the Giving Voice Chorus at MacPhail, for those living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers, and will return to the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in Michigan to direct the Jazz Chorus.
Benjamin Downs is a pianist, scholar, and teacher based in Minneapolis, MN. He has been a prize winner in numerous national and international piano competitions including the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Young Artist Competition, the Chautauqua International Piano Competition, the Northwestern Piano Competition, and the Cincinnati Chamber Music Competition. He has performed throughout the United States, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland as both a soloist, and with his wife, cellist Rebeccah Parker Downs. They have been featured performers at many venues including New York City’s WMP Concert Hall, the Bowdoin Music Festival, Brevard Music Festival, Chautauqua Music Festival, and the Linton Chamber Music Series. He has also performed with members of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Minnesota Orchestra, and Windsor Symphony Orchestra. He completed his DMA in piano performance at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and his PhD in Music Theory and History at Stony Brook University where he specialized in avant-garde music and philosophies of listening. He has been the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship (Germany), Graduate Council Fellowship and Paul Sacher Stiftung Fellowship.
Songs for Swinging Lovers with Andrew Walesch and his trio, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Saturday, February 8, 7:00-10:00pm at Hamline Church
The jazzy and romantic evening will feature the music of Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, George Gershwin, and others from the Great American Songbook in a beautiful, intimate setting.
Tickets are available online here or at the door:
$15 Adults, $5 Students with valid ID. Refreshments and free childcare will be available. Donations are accepted and encouraged.
About Andrew: Whether composing and arranging or appearing in settings ranging from solo artist to big band, this St. Cloud, Minnesota native, who criss-crosses the bold North playing dates big and small, is as respectful of his predecessors as he is ready to take a leap into the unknown and chart a new course.
In his monthly, sold-out shows with his 10-piece band, Walesch is a traditionalist and an iconoclast rolled into one. His audiences include jazz enthusiasts of a certain age, as well as a younger crowd compelled by his down-home insouciance, and the knowing irreverence of a tried-and-true American nightclub entertainer. “Although they are my idols, I don’t attempt to imitate the great pop and jazz artists of the 50’s and 60’s,” says the singer and pianist, “but I go for broke when we do our shows – vocally and musically – which is what they all did best and why they were in a class of their own. I take risks, but I’m from Minnesota, so I’ve got jumper cables in the trunk.”
His vocal and piano chops, along with his keen sensibility to find and interpret a great lyric, have lead to some great opportunities for Walesch, including an appearance on the nationally syndicated NPR broadcast Mountain Stage.
2020 is here! What would it look like to live life UNAFRAID in this new decade? What would it look like if our world and our lives could be less controlled by worry, fear, and anxiety and more driven by peace, hope and love? This series explores the most common worries and fears experienced by Americans today, considers practical steps for overcoming these fears, and reflects upon fear in the light of scripture and a faith that promises again and again that we don’t need to live in fear.
January 5 Week 1: Understanding and Countering Fear in 2020
January 12 Week 2: Fear of Failure
January 19 Week 3: Fear of the Other
January 26: UMW Sunday
February 2: Week 4 Catastrophizing Fear
February 9: Week 5 Growing Old and Death
February 16: Week 6 Living with Fear, Yet Unafraid
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On August 15, after the 10th Anniversary SPROUT Garden commemoration during the worship service, coffee hour was a “garden to table” collaboration between the second-Sunday hospitality team, Hamline Kids, the SPROUT Garden team, and the Hamline Church Earthkeepers. The Hamline Kids assembled caprese salad bites (with some assistance/guidance from the Earthkeepers) using locally made cheese, basil from an Earthkeeper’s home garden, and tomatoes harvested from the SPROUT Garden that morning. The trays of local bites were the centerpiece of the coffee-hour spread, connecting the dots between the kids’ Sunday school efforts, the bounty of the SPROUT Garden, and the church’s hospitality ministry.
Why does it matter to add SPROUT Garden produce to hospitality hour? For one, replacing part of our diet with locally grown food decreases the carbon footprint of our consumption. Eating locally means our food doesn’t require extra energy and resources for transportation, refrigeration, and packaging. In this season of the year, we can easily increase how much of what we eat is grown right outside our door, and we should!
Beyond carbon footprint, eating any food we grow with our own hands also helps us better appreciate the other foods we are eating. We understand the work that went into food, the weather and soil conditions that made it possible to grow, and the distance food travels to reach us. Of course we would struggle at this point to source our entire coffee hour from the food grown in 55104. But incorporating some of the sustainably grown food from our on-site garden reminds us that the sugar, flour, coffee, and other hospitality-hour ingredients are also grown by someone, somewhere, at a price.
Eating the food produced by the SPROUT Garden ministry also helps us remember that in God’s creation, everything is connected to everything else, as the Earthkeepers emphasized in a Children’s Story earlier this summer. When we take this concrete step of connecting the food we grow in the SPROUT Garden and the food we eat as.a community on Sunday morning, we participate in a type of communion between the ministries of Hamline Church. We grow as a church when we grow—and eat—food together. Happy Anniversary to the SPROUT Garden!