Hamline Church

Author: admin

Summer worship series: Prophetic Voices

Prophetic VoicesIn our sacred scriptures, the prophets speak to a world gone very wrong and to people in deep pain. They point to a hope found in God, who will come. The prophets tell us that God’s natural disposition is not anger but chesed [Hebrew for steadfast lovingkindness].
How desperate we are to hear this message today? The minor prophets of the Hebrew Bible were more or less truth tellers, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, to announce God’s word in the midst of the contemporary situation. This summer we will focus God’s word to us through the minor prophets and hear from modern day prophets among us. In these voices we will find that God is committed bringing about a world of justice and righteousness, and each of us have a role to play.


Habakkuk’s written work is not directed at the people. It is a complaint against God – a lament. It is an unusual insight into the heart and soul, the expectations and the anguish, of one of God’s prophets. Habakkuk’s words ofttimes echo our own experiences. These words may allow us to step into a very difficult, sometimes poignantly painful, place in our own struggles and questions of faith. When violence and corruption abound and evil appears to rule, we may be tempted to wonder whether God really cares about us or is really in control of the world. The power of lament is that God can handle our anger, pain, and grief.

SUNDAY, JUNE 21 | Zephaniah: The Call to Act
What does the Lord require of us? The vast majority of Americans believe that God is either content with us or indifferent toward us. And we return the favor. What does it mean to understand God as being not only engaged in the world but also having expectations for human behavior? This week we focus on the call to act and how we can join in God’s restorative work in the world.

The dominant theme of Amos’ writing is an unwavering call to social justice as the expression of true faith in Yahweh, the God who is known for faithfulness and mercy, but also justice and righteousness. Sharon Fields preaching.

SUNDAY, JULY 5 | Micah: The Tragedy of Conformity

SUNDAY, JULY 19 | Obadiah: For the Common Good
People are loyal to their own tribe or social group. It is a dynamic of conformity; there is pressure in the group to conform — viewed as something very positive and pressure to avoid being like people from another “tribe” — which is viewed in the negative. In contemporary society this tendency is known as “tribalism”. What does this “new tribalism” have to do with God’s Word to us through the Prophet Obadiah?

SUNDAY, JULY 26 | Nahum: The Last Word
Does it ever seem like the world is spinning out of control? State Politics? U.S. Political Gridlock? International Anxiety? Uprisings? Pandemics? The Prophet Nahum invites us to steady faith in anxious times. Nahum’s message from the Lord to the people of Nineveh, in the late seventh century, was that evil will not go unpunished. This week, through Nahum, we are provided with an awesome revelation of God’s nature and character. It is simply this: The Lord is slow to avenge; but God’s justice does not wait forever.

Together in Spirit for June 10, 2020: Anti-Racism Resources

My Fellow Travelers,

I have heard over and over again from folks in our Hamline Church community and beyond about how to talk to kids about racism. And lately I’ve been getting inquiries about how to start antiracism work. The first steps is always to breath and invite God into any conversation with kids and/or any attempt to educate oneself on the work ahead.  The following list is a collection of resources that can help you navigate your own journey. Many thanks to all who contributed to the creation of this resource – and please know that it is a work in progress, so send us resources that you find particularly helpful.

All encompassing websites
Anti-Racism Resources from Faithful Famlies: https://www.fpcfaithfulfamilies.com/anti-racism-resources
Anti-racism resources for white folks: http://bit.ly/ANTIRACISMRESOURCES

Information for Parents


Information for Young Kids

Children’s Book List

Resources for Teens

Hamline Church Young Leader Program

Hamline Church is a recipient of the Minnesota Annual Conference NEXT grant to empower youth leaders within the church community. With this grant seed money, we are creating paid internships for students to develop as leaders for the church and the world. Students will work together with ministry staff, to craft an internship position that involves you in a ministry area of choice. Applications are due on June 12 and will be considered in order of age, availability, and best fit with ministries. Students entering 8th grade through graduating seniors are eligible to apply. Contact Heather (hgrantham @hamlinechurch.org) for more information and download an application here:

Love Your Neighbor Food & Supplies Drive

Love Your Neighbor Food Drive

Love Your Neighbor Food & Supplies Drive
Non perishable food, unopened medical supplies, diapers, wipes, toilet paper, paper towels, formula, masks, hand sanitizer

Items can be received at Hamline Church between 2:00 – 4:00pm
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Hamline Church United Methodist
1514 Englewood Ave St Paul

Financial donations will go to Keystone Community Services and Interfaith Action Network of Greater St. Paul.
To give online click here and indicate “Love Your Neighbor Drive”


Together in Spirit for June 1, 2020

Good morning! Thanks again for being here with us for a dose of hope and encouragement to our community and beyond as a reminder of God’s love and grace at work in the world.

This past Sunday we celebrated the 2020 class of confirmands as they come to the end of their confirmation class experience and professed their faith. Today we are sharing a video of their faith statements. Congratulations Confirmands!

Together in Spirit for May 29, 2020

Beloved Hamline Church Family,

I know your hearts are heavy today as is mine. Our feelings and emotions are all over the place.

Many buildings around the church and south of us are burned out and destroyed. The church received some minor graffiti damage. I am confident that the neighborhood will rebuild, and I’m thankful to the many of you who are already helping by cleaning up and checking in with each other. We must keep in mind that the healing we need is much bigger than some new buildings. It will take serious work to cleanse this community of its deep racism.

Pentecost is this Sunday – the Spirit that comes brings unity, love, and healing – if we are willing to receive it and commit to coming together in hope for a new way.

Please check in and let us know how you’re doing or if you need anything.

We will post opportunities for how you can help as they become available.

If you’re on social media – please follow us on Facebook Hamline Church and join our Facebook group.

The message below comes from my friend and colleague the Rev Dr Ron Bell, pastor of Camphor UMC here in Saint Paul. Please prayerfully consider his words.

“I think you were so busy looking for a riot that you missed the gathering of the grieving…Look again.”

Blessings and love,
Pastor Mariah

This Sunday we celebrate the 2020 class of confirmands as they come to the end of their confirmation class experience and profess their faith. The Confirmands choose to wait until we can gather in person to participate in the ritual of confirmation.

Thank you to all the parents, family members, friends, Sunday School teachers, Confirmation leaders and youth leaders who have journeyed alongside these young people.

Congratulations Confirmands! We are so grateful for each of you and honored to be your church family. Please join us Sunday at 10am for online worship as the Confirmands lead us through worship and share their faith statements.

Together in Spirit for May 28, 2020

Good morning! Thanks again for being here with us for our daily dose of hope and encouragement to our community and beyond as a reminder of God’s love and grace at work in the world.

Today we wanted to share a song from worship last Sunday, in case you missed it, or in case you are in need of a “Great Day!” Check out section leader Brandon Galbraith singing “barbershop quartet” style and have a great day!

Together in Spirit for May 27, 2020

Good morning! Thanks again for being here with us for our daily dose of hope and encouragement to our community and beyond as a reminder of God’s love and grace at work in the world.

First, a quick reminder! We want to encourage you to complete our online survey if you haven’t already. We appreciate the feedback and look forward to delivering you useful and meaningful content.
We’d love to know how we’re doing, what you like, and what you’re having trouble with. Please take a moment to fill out our online survey – it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes!
Access the survey here: https://forms.gle/RXwTbhLPpWLuRaid7

Today we are also sharing the special story of creation, read by Hamline Church friend Alison!