Calling all artists of Hamline Church and beyond!
We are excited to host an all ages art exhibition Saturday, February 22 at 7:00pm in conjunction with our Music & Arts Series! Local art available for purchase and refreshments served. Free will offering.
This year’s theme will be “light” as we seek to find ways to illuminate one another and the world.
We are hoping to find artists of all ages and abilities – we want to showcase what community means to us in Hamline Midway!
Don’t have any art yet?
Join us for an art-making workshop on either Sunday, January 19th during Sacred Studio and after church, or on Saturday, February 1st from 2pm-4pm. Come, make art, and have fun!
Deadline for submission is Monday, February 17 2025. Submit Art Here!
Thank you for your work, creativity, and interest in sharing your art with our community! Questions? Contact Betsey Hodson (