< Music
The Frères Casavant Organ, Opus 3217, consists of two instruments built by the Casavant Company. The Antiphonal Organ, installed in the rear balcony in 1972, has a console of one manual, full pedal board and eight stops. The 13 ranks of 793 pipes and chests are mounted on the rear wall on either side of the Samuel F. Kerfoot stained glass windows. The Antiphonal Organ can also be played from the Chancel Organ console.
The Chancel Organ, built in 1974, has a console with three manuals and full pedal board. There are 53 stops, 70 ranks and 4,328 pipes plus chimes, cymbalstern and nachtigall. The Great division and part of the Pedal division are placed on either side of the George Henry Bridgman stained glass window on the front chancel wall. The Positive division stands at the base of the same window and above the reredos. The remainder of the Pedal division fits in the chamber to the right of the chancel. The Swell division is immediately behind the Pedal division.
In 1995 two digital stops, a 32-foot Sub Bourdon and a 16-foot Posaune, were added to the Pedal division as a memorial to Ellen M. Erickson, given by her daughter and son-in-law, Jean and Wilbur (Chris) Donaldson. In 2000 the combination pistons were enlarged and converted to computerized controls. In 2014 two new stops, a 16-foot Diapason and a 10⅔-foot Quintbass and forty-four 16-foot open wood pipes were added to the Pedal division. In 2017 two reed and two principal sampled digital stops were added to the Swell division, the two Pedal digital stops were converted to sampled digital and the organ was converted to electronic control and combination action.
These organs are the result of the dedicated service of many committees and the generous support of the congregation.
16 Bourdon
8 Prinzipal
8 Hohlflöte
4 Oktave
4 Spitzflöte
2 Oktave
IV Mixtur
8 Trompete
16 Quintade
8 Prinzipal
8 Rohrflöte
4 Octave
2 2/3 Quinte
2 Oktave
VI Mixtur
8 Spanische Trompete
16 Gedackt *
8 Geigen Principal *
8 Offenflöte
8 Salizional
8 Vox Coelestis (TC)
4 Geigenoktave
4 Rohrflöte
2 Flachflöte
VI Grossmixtur
16 Double Trumpet *
16 Fagott
8 Trumpet *
8 Oboe
4 Klarine
32 Sub Bourdon *
16 Open Diapason
16 Prinzipal
16 Subbass
10 2/3 Sub Quint
8 Oktave Bass
8 Gedacktpommer
4 Choralbass
IV Mixtur
32 Posaune *
16 Posaune
8 Trompete
4 Schalmei
8 Gedackt
4 Prinzipal
4 Koppelflöte
2 Gemshorn
1⅓ Quintflöte
II Sesquialtera
IV Scharf
8 Krummhorn
16 Quintade
8 Quintade
*Sampled Digital voices
All manuals 61 notes, pedal 32 notes
All digital relay and combination action,
MIDI included